The Interactive-Fiction Page

Welcome to my Interactive Fiction Page. Through following the available links, you'll be able to get any interactive fiction package, game, or material you require. This system contains links mostly to GMD's packages, but there are somes others included. A Netscape-ized version of this front page is also available.

Last Updated 29-Mar-96 (In Progress)

What's New

* IF documents

This contains links to available interactive fiction documents including game creation, magazine reviews, and the Oz Project publications.

* Newsgroup archives

This contains links to the interactive fiction newsgroups and archives, as well as an index to some of the more interesting topics discussed in r.a.i-f in the past.

* Game Programming

This area contains links to all available game programming materials, such as libraries, compilers, and example programs.

* Games

This area contains lists of all available adventure games and solutions.

* Infocom Archive

This area contains all the available Infocom material.

* Interactive Books

This contains available interactive books.

* Emulators

This area contains programs for emulating other computers.

* Tools

This contains a list of tools available for both downloading and playing adventure games.

* Beta Programs

A link to the Beta programs directory at GMD.

* Web Links

This contains a bunch of links to other IF WWW pages.

* GMD Directory Tree

A directory tree of all directories at the Interactive Fiction archive at GMD.

Note that much of the indexes here are mostly rewritten versions of the indexes in each directory of GMD, and as such, game comments are actually comments made by GMD's maintainer, Volker Blasius, except where explicitly stated otherwise.

Feel free to mail me any comments, bug alerts, files that I missed, areas of improvement, etc.

Paul Gilbert |