Hugo Programming Page

Hugo is a text adventure compiler and runtime engine, written by Kent Tessman.

General information

o Hugo v1.2 Programming Manual

Contains a detailed description of the system and language.

o Release notes for v1.2

Contains a brief history of Hugo v1.2

o Contact information

Contains a note on how the author can be reached.


o PC Hugo v1.2

DOS executables of the Hugo compiler and runtime engine v1.2 by Kent Tessman.


o grammar.g

standard grammar definitions

o hugofix.g

debugging grammar

o hugofix.h

debugging routines

o hugolib.h

library definitions and routines

o objlib.h

a library of useful object definitions

o verbstub.g

optional verb grammar

o verbstub.h

optional verb routines


Full games written with Hugo are also listed in the Hugo Games Index.

o Colossal Cave 350 point version

Hugo port of the original 350 point ADVENT. Ported by Kent Tessman, based on Graham Nelson's Inform port of Dave Baggett's 1993 TADS reconstruction 'Colossal Cave Revisited' of the 1977 original by Willie Crowther and Don Woods.

o A menu routine

Written by Kent Tessman.

o Sample game for Hugo v1.2

A sample game illustrating many features of the language, by Kent Tessman.

o Shell for Hugo v1.2

A source code skeleton to build a game on, by Kent Tessman.

Source code

o ftp to Hugo source directory

In the directory, the files:
	hc*		are the QuickC source code of the v1.2 compiler
	he*		are the QuickC source code of the v.12 runtime
	stringfn.c	common string manipulation functions
	porting.txt	Hugo compiler and engine porting notes

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