Infocom Articles Index
This is an index of Infocom-related articles. Many of the files were uploaded
by Stu Galley from his private archive (read: attac).
- "A totallt objective, highly critical and unbiased interview with Infocom
game designer Brian Moriarty, by Brian Moriarty.
From AmigaWorld January/February 1986 pages 70-73.
- Written by Burt Hochberg.
From Games magazine August/September 1987.
- Written by Johnny Wilson.
From Computer Gaming World, November 1991.
- Written by Richard Dyer
From "The Boston Globe" Magazine, May 6, 1984.
- Written by Edward Rothstein
From the New York Times BOOK REVIEW, May 8, 1983.
- Written by Bill Barol.
From Newsweek, December 23, 1985.
- From PC Joker 5/92 (September/October 1992).
- An interview with Eddie Dombrower and William D. Volk, the makers of Return
to Zork.
From PC Joker 2/94 (February 1994).
- An interview with Bob Bates, author of Sherlock and Arthur, now president
of Legend Entertainment; from PC Joker 7/8'95 (July/August 1995).
- Written by Curt Suplee.
From the Washington Post, December 22, 1983.
- An interview with Bob Bates, from Power Play 12/91.
Written by Peter Fitch.
From Practical Computing, April 1982.
- Written by Philip Elmer-De Witt.
From TIME, December 5, 1983.
- Written by Roger Garret.
From Your Computer March 1987, and Profile: Infocom's Dave Lebling by Mike
Gerrard, from Your Computer May 1987. Typed in by Torbjoern Andersson.
- Compiled by Paul David Doherty. Contents:
- IEEE Computer, 1979: "Zork: A Computerized Fantasy Simulation Game" by
- Creative Computing, 1980: "How to Fit a Large Program Into a Small Machine"
by Blank/Galley
- Byte, 1980: "Zork and the Future of Computerized Fantasy Simulations"
by Lebling
- Mike Gerrard's Lebling Interview (1987)
- Paul Rigby's Moriarty Interview
- New Zork Times, 1985: "The History of Zork" by Anderson/Galley
- Written by Ronald Rosenberg.
From Boston Globe, Monday May 22, 1989.
- How to get the transcript of this conference.
- Written by Sean Masterson. Interviews with Dave Lebling, Steve Meretzky,
Stu Galley, and Carl Genatossio.
From ZZAP! 64; typed in by Hans Persson.
NZT Articles
There are also some articles in the list above. Unless otherwise
specified, most of the below articles were transcribed by Graeme Cree.
- Contains an index and information about the New Zork Times and The
Status Line, by Alex Wai.
- A collection of New Zork Times advice columns:
Ask Duffy, from Summer 1984, page 5
Ask Jennifer, from Winter 1985, page 5
Dear Miss Underground Manners, from the
Status Line, Fall 1986, page 2.
- From the New Zork Times, Winter 1986, pages 1 and 5.
- Frank Answers to the Ten Most Frequently Asked Questions. From the
New Zork Times, Spring 1984, page 1-2, transcribed by Graeme Cree.
- Hello to ZQ (Zork Quarterly).
First in a Series
- By Tim Anderson from the New Zork Times, Winter 1985, pages 6-7 and
Second in a Series
- By Tim Anderson from the New Zork Times, Spring 1985, pages 3-5.
The Final (?) Chapter
- MIT, MDL, ZIL, ZIP; by Stu Galley. From the New Zork Times, Summer 1985,
pages 4-5, transcribed by Graeme Cree.
- A collection of New Zork Times horoscopes:
Infocom Horoscope, from Spring 1984, page
Your Weekly Horoscope by Omar, from The
Status Line, Summer 1986, page 2.
- By Brian Moriarty, from ****, Spring 1986.
- A history of InfoBets (anonymous) and California Academy of Science
debuts 'Marathon of the Minds', by Stu Galley.
From the Status Line, Winter/Spring 1987.
- From the New Zork Times, Summer 1984.
- Plundered Hearts author Amy Briggs talks about why she chose to write
an interactive romance.
From the Status Line, Winter 1987, page 9.
- From the New Zork Times, Winter 1984, page 4.
- From the Status Line, Winter/Spring 1988, page 5.
- (Reprinted from U.S. News and Dungeon Report, 9/18/951).
From the New Zork Times, Spring 1985, page 8.
- Written by Stu Galley. From the Status Line, Spring 1989, page 2.
- By S. Eric Merescu from the New Zork Times, Spring 1985.
- Written by A. Dashiell Meretsky. From the New Zork Times, Winter 1985, page
3. Typed in by Dave Robeson.
- By Dave Lebling, from the New Zork Times, Winter 1985, page 8.
- Written by Dave Lebling, from the New Zork Times, Fall 1984.
- "No, it's not on Lake Erie and there isn't a Joe's", by Steve Meretzky.
From The Status Line, Fall 1987.
- From the New Zork Times, Winter 1984.
Paul Gilbert |