PC Games Index

This index contains a list of available games compiled for the PC.

"2112" Rush song game.

A simple based on the Rush song "2112". Anonymous submission.

The Abbey of Montglane

Version 1.1, by Art LaFrana.

Advanced Xoru playable demo

Contains the first level of a text role-playing adventure.

The Adventure

A fantasy role-playing game by Chris Kerton. GW-BASIC source code.

Adventure in Magic Land

Version 1.00, by Kevin L. Shelton.

Adventure in Serenia

An illustrated text adventure (CGA). Image of PC 5 1/4" DD disk (sector size varies) in TELEDISK format (available from the Tools Index). After booting from created disk, if your computer just stops, then press Enter and the game should start.


"The Adventures of Alice Who Went Through The Looking-Glass and Came Back Though Not Much Changed". Written by Douglas A. Asher. Compiled AGT version of the original GAGS game. Source code is available from Source Games Index.

Alice in Wonderland

Version 1.2, by Robin C. Johnson.


Version 2B, anonymous submission. Includes GW-BASIC source code; play with CAPS LOCK on.

Another LifeLess Planet and Me With No Beer

Version A.3, by Dennis Drew (Sequel to Marooned Again).

Apprentice - The Testing of a Magical Novice

Written by Bart Lee. AGT Source code is available from the Source Games Index.

Atomia Akorny

Magnus Olsson's first adventure game for the Acorn Atom; C source code and DOS executable.

The Awe-Chasm

Or The Chasm of Awe or Snatch and Crunch II. Version 2.0, by Tony Stiles.

Aztec Tomb (Part 1)

An illustrated C64 text adventure by A.R. Crowther, ported to DOS and QBASIC by D. Raisin. Includes QBASIC source code.

The Battle of Philip against the Forces of Creation

AGT source code is available from the Source Games Index.

Beyond the Tesseract

Version 2.0p, by Daivd Lo.

Beyond the Titanic

Written by Scott Miller (Apogee).

The Broken String

A Punk-Rock Adventure version 1.1 by Harel Malka and Ran Kramer. Contains TADS .gam file, TADS runtime for DOS, and a walkthrough.

The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes

Written by Michael W. Bayley, based upon the board game "221B Baker Street", adapted for AGT by David Malmberg.
There are 18 cases to be solved; you interact with the game by selecting commands and objects from a context sensitive menu.


A recreational text adventure by Conrad R. Button. Author's difficulty rating: Introductory. This game conflicts with some mouse drivers (e.g. Logitech 5.01), so boot without a driver if some lines are missing from your screen.

Castle Droganya

Written by Steve Chodes. Includes BASICA, GW-BASIC, and QBasic code; conversion to GW-BASIC by Nathan Glasser.

Castle Elsinore

Version 1.0, by Temple Software.

The Castle of Hornadette

Written by Stephen J. Konig.

Castle Ralf

Release 4-2, by Doug Clutter and Steve Vance.

Cave Adventure

Written by Russell Wallace. Includes C source code and DOS executable.

Caverns of Chaos

Version 1.6 7/92, a simple and somewhat buggy "DND type text adventure" by Paul Martinez and Ali Castro, rated PG-13 by the Authors.
Aftger every description you choose between two or three possible actions; if your guess was wrong, you restart from the beginning.

Cliff Diver: Invesigator for Hire - Case 1

"The Case of Crime to the Ninth Power". Version 1.5, an AGT adventure by Patrick Farley.

Cliff Diver: Investigator for Hire - Case 2

"Purchased Sight Unseen". An AGT adventure by Patrick Farley.

Colossal Cave

Written by Jerry D. Pohl. Gives seperate values for Treasures, Survival, and Score. DOS executables only; documentation refers to C source code, which is missing; but a port to Turbo C 2.0 is available from the Source games Index.

Colossal Cave OS/2

OS/2 2.x executable of Colossal Cave by John W. Kennedy; based on Jerry D. Pohl's version giving seperate values for Treasures, Survival, and Score. Source code is available from the Source Games Index.

Colossal Cave 350 points

Written by Don Ekman. Contains FORTRAN source code, DOS executable, and a walkthrough of the game.

Collosal Cave 350 points

An AGT version of the original Woods/Crowther 350 points adventure; version 1.4 by David Gasior.

Colossal Cave 370 points

DOS executable of a 370 points version of Colossal Cave, version 27 March 1993. Ported to DOS PDS FORTRAN by Paul Munoz-Colman. Source code is available from the Source Games Index.

Collosal Cave 430 points

DOS executable of Advent 2.5, the 430 points of Colossal Cave by Donald R. Woods (1995). Source can be found in the Games Source Index.

Colossal Cave 550 points

DOS executable of a 550 points version of Colossal Cave, version B00.

Colossal Cave 500 points Windows

550 point version of Colossal Cave by David Platt (1979), ported to Unix C by Ken C. Wellsch (1984), ported to Windows by Wolfgang Strobl (1992).
Contains DOS and Windows exectuable version 2.1. Source code for Ken C. Wellsch's port is available from the Source Games Index.

Colossal Cave 551 points

DOS executable of the 551 points version of Colossal Cave by Doug McDonald (version 6.6, August 1990), with support for multiple save files added by Magnus Olsson (September 1990). Source code is available from the Source Games Index.

Colossal Cave 660 points

DOS executable of 660 point version of Colossal Cave: Adventure4+ version 10.06 (26jul95), by Mike Arnautov. This version merges Adventure II by Peter Luckett and Jack Pike with Adventure 3 (aka Adventure 550) by Dave Platt.

Colossal Cave 1000 points

"Adventure in Humongous Cave", based on the 550 point version, written in AGT by David Malmberg.

Colossal Cave Original

The original PDP-11 FORTRAN source code (DECUS 11-340), modified code for MS FORTAN by Kenneth Plotkin, and a DOS executable of the original 350 points version of Colossal Cave.

Colossal Cave Revisited

Crowther and Woods' classic adventure with a full sentence parser. TADS port by David Bagget. Source code included.

CosmoServe - An Adventure Game for the BBS-Enslaved

Written by Judith Palmer. This game won the 5th Annual AGT Game Writing Contest (together with the Multi-Dimensional Thief).


Version 1.0, by David W. Nilsen; rated PG-13 by author. This looks like a text adventure, but it gives you a few minutes to commit as many crimes as possible, then it ends and tells you your score.

Crime Adventure

Version 1.52, by Steven Neighorn.


Written by David Malmberg. AGT source code can be downloaded from The Source Games Index


Version 2.0, by Steve Herring. Adventures into Unfathomed Depths of Horror, an atmospheric verb-noun adventure set in a gothic church and crypt in England.

Dark Continent

A recreational text adventure by Conrad R. Button. Author's difficulty rating: Intermediate. This game conflicts with some mouse drivers (e.g. Logitech 5.01), so boot without a driver if some lines are missing from your screen.


Anonymous DOS executable.

The Deadly Labyrinth

Written in AGT by Frank West (Inspired by the Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman).

Der Ring des Nibelungen

A text adventure based on the operas of Richard Wagner, by Michael R. Harris.


An AGT adventure, (version 1.3?) by Matt Barringer.

Dinkum, the Australian Adventure Game

Verwsion 2.14, by Gary A. Allen, Jr. Source code can be found in the Games Source Index.


A parody of Enchanter by Joseph S. Licari. AGT source code is available from the Source Games Index.


Release 1, by Payman Prastaran and Thomas Long. A science fiction adventure.


A true life adventure by Douglas C. Rogers. You're out on a date with Andrea and try to ...
Rated PG by author, but browsing through the file shows that it's rather explicit.

A Dudley Dilemma

An AGT adventure version 1.2, by Lane Barrow. AGT source code is available from the Source Games Index.

Dungeon v 2.2A, 18-jan-79

The more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 2.2A, 18-jan-79.

Dungeon v 2.5A, 18-jul-80

The more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 2.5A, 18-jul-80, with compressed text file. Type 'history' for revision history.

Dungeon v 2.7A, 11-mar-91

The more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 2.7A, 11-mar-91. Includes C source code and DOS executable.

Dungeon v 3.2B, 1-Oct-94

The more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 3.2B, 1-Oct-94.
DOS executable for 386+ only and FORTRAN source code, ported from DEC FORTRAN to MS FORTRAN by Volker Blasius. The original source code is available from the Source Games Index.

DnDBBS: The Dungeons & Dragons Bulletin Board System

Version 2.7a, by Erik J. Oredson.
A text only D&D game that can act as a BBs of it's own, run as a door program under another BBS, or just played through local login. DOS executable and documentation.

The Dungeons of Dunjin

Version 4.30 by Magnus Olsson.


An AGT adventure by Woody Hunt.

The Elf's Christmas Adventure

Or, God Bless Frosty the Snowman. "Version 2.0", by Bruce McKay and Marlene Abriel. A musical text adventure, converted to AGT by David Malmberg.
(I think "Version 2.0" and "musical" applies only to the AGT port by David Malmberg; it is written with the Master's Edition of AGT, which (among other features) supports sound, i.e. in this case: it plays Christmas songs through the PC speaker.)
The original AdvSys source is available from the Source Games Index, and version 1 of the AGT port is also available from the Source Games Index.
Enchanted Castle
Release 3, by Michael R. Wilk
"Intended for the adventure game connoisseur who enjoys the adept and witty use of language. If you're looking for highly-polished and imaginative interactive fiction, then this game is for you."

Enhanced release 3/941004

The first (and so far only) part of the Cyberventure trilogy; a cyberpunk SF adventure by Hans Persson and Dominik Zemmler.

Escape from Pulsar 7

Written by Brian Howarth and Wherner Barnes.


A small AGT adventure by Stan Heller. Source code is available from the Source Games Index.


Version 2.00, by Paul H. Deal. Text adventure with RPG elements for up to three players.

The Forbidden Lands, Book I: The City of Falcon

Written by Computel. A text RPG for one player.

The Four Symbols playable demo

A TADS adventure, release 1.1, by the Grue!


Version 1.01 (960114) by Jim MacBrayne. TADS .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS.

The Geneva Adventure

Written by Philip Bourne.

Ghost Town

A GAGS adventure by E. L. Cheny.

Ghostbusters: Basic Training

A simple graphics/text adventure written with Adventure Master which seems to be a BASIC games engine, by David Zeiss.

The Golden Fleece

Release No. 890718/21.05, by Jim MacBrayne.

The Golden Fleece v1.0

VCersion 1.0 (960114), by Jim MacBrayne. TADS version of 1989 version. Includes TADS gamefile and DOS runtime module.

Gold Flutes and Great Escapes!

Four games from the book "Golden Flutes and Great Escapes: How to Write Adventure Games for the Apple Computer" by Delton T. Horn.
Translated from Apple BASIC to C by Christopher E. Forman. The titles in this collection are:

o The Golden Flute : a fantasy adventure
o The Great Escape : a maze game
o Treasure Hunt : a search for buried pirate gold
o Mars : a quest for treasured relics on Mars

Only the last title is a genuine text adventure; the others are multiple choice games.

The Golden Wombat of Destiny

Version 1.2, by Huw Collingbourne.

The Great Archeological Race

TADS adventure version 1.3 by John LaBonney.


Written by John Olson.


A spooky interactive text game by Third Coast Software.

Hampton Manor

Version 1.03, by Art LaFrana.

The Haunted Mission Adventure

Version 1.52, by Steven Neighorn.


The Adventures of Elizabeth ("El") Highe, an AGT adventure by Bill Larkins.

Hobbit - The True Story

A small adventure written entirely in MS-DOS 5.0 batch procedures, by Fredrik Ramsberg and Johan Berntsson.

The Holy Grail

Version 1.01 (960227), by Jim MacBrayne. Contains machine independant .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS.

Horror Adventures

Version 3.0, by John Olsen. Contains three adventures in a horror vein:
	Night of the Walking Dead
	Frankenstein's Legacy
	The Sea Phantom

The Horror of Rylvania playable demo

Version 1.0, written by D. A. Leary for ADVENTIONS.

Hotel Notell

Written by R. Baribault.

The House at the Edge of Time

Version 1.0, by Pat Pflieger.


Version 4.8, by Graham Cluley.
(Cannot be completely solved without registering).

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!!

"Visit the Great Florian's Travelling Circus and Flourishing Florilegium of Flamboyant Wonders". An illustrated, musical text adventure by David Malmberg (The PC speaker "music" can be turned off (Esc) and the illustrations are displayed only on request (view ...).)

Infiltration to IBM Headquarters

Written by Jonathan Stanley.


Written by Michael D. Wile.

The Island

A small textual adventure, version 2.6 by the CyberDaemon. Includes C source code and DOS executable.

The Island of Mystery

Version 1.52, by Steven Neighorn.

Jacaranda Jim

Version 5.00, by Graham Cluley.
(To complete the game you need info from the material you receive when you register the game).

The Jewelled Arena

Version 1.0, AGT adventure by David S. Raley. Includes pop-up hints.

John's Fire Witch

Version 1.01 (4Feb95), by John T Baker II. Includes DOS executable and a machine independant TADS .gam file.

Jubilee road adventure

Written by D. Ellis.


A tortuous odyssey through life's more annoying moments in three parts, by Carol Hovick.

Part   I:  Fear of Flying, Aeroplanes, Airports and Re-Booking
Part  II:  What This Country Really Needs Is A Good $250.00 Dalmation
Part III:  It's that Ol' Deja Vu All Over Again

The Last City

Written by Roger M Wilcox. Includes BASICA and QBASIC. Conversion to QBASIC by Ambat Sasi.

The Legend Lives!

An Unnkulian Universe Unventure, version 1.0 by David Baggett. Requires a 386SX or later CPU.


"An Adventure Game Based on the Library of Guilford College (or Something Like It) but with Added Puzzles and Danger", by Frederick D. King. AGT source code is available from the Source Games Index.

The Light: Shelby's Addendum

Quest Adventure #3, by Colm A, McCarthy; version 1.1, release 19960106.

Lonely Jamie

Written by J. Mellish
GW-BASIC source code for a very simple game that prompts you for one-word responses.


A science fiction text adventure, version 2.0.2 shareware by Jeff Hersh. His rating: hard. Written with TADS.

Lost in Space: Dr. Smith Goes Home

An introductory mini-text game designed to play in a single sitting, by Graeme Cree. DOS executable (AGT runtime), map, and walkthrough.


A GAGS adventure by E. L. Cheney.

Love's Fiery Imbroglio

"The Torrid Tale of What Could turn Out to Be THE Perfect Date"
Written by Natasha Mirage. Not really a game, but rather a branching story.

Marooned Again

Version 4.1, by Dennis Drew.

A Matter of Time

An illustrated introductory adventure by Michael Zerbo. Requires SVGA and a sound card. Written using Alan.

McMurphy's Mansion

Version 1.6, by David Martin.
Author's rating: difficulty: average; playing time: 80 hours.

The Melita Adventure, Parts I and II

Written by Philip Bourne.

The Misadventure of the Holy Grail

Version 2.1. Very loosely translated from the Apple II Eamon FRP game to AGT by Michael Detlefsen.

The Mission

Version 1.02 (960331), by Jim MacBrayne. Includes TADS .gam file and runtime module for DOS.

Mission's End

A Personalised Adventure Sample by L. R. Nogg. A playable demo of what an adventure with you and your friend's names compiled in would look like.

Moon Mountain Adventure

Written by Thomas Hanlin III.

Mop and Murder - a masterful mystery in one room

Written by Brad Friedman. The game says "Full Release v 1.0 (POP-UP HINTS INCLUDED)", but the hints are missing. AGT source code is available from the Source Games Index.

The Multi-Dimensional Thief

Release 1.5: Version 3.05 (text only) by Joel Finch.
This game won the 5th Annual AGT Game Writing Contest (together with CosmoServe). With a pop-up hints, a map, and a minimal walkthrough by the author.

The Multi-Dimension Thief

Version 2.0 (illustrated) by Joel Finch and Stephan Atkinson.

Murder in the Marching Band

"A slightly buggy and extremely silly adventure game. S.X."
Written by Sam Xenubis.

Murder on Violet Island

Written by Stephen Claypool.

Mutant Invasion

Written by Michael D. Wile.

The NASA Orbital Observatory Adventure

A mini-adventure by Tony Martin.


A recreational text adventure by Conrad R. Button.
Author's difficulting rating: Novice.
This game conflicts with some mouse drivers (e.g. Logitech 5.01), so boot without a driver if some lines are missing from your screen.

The Nectar of the Gods

Version 2.0 by Doug Rogers. Use CAPS LOCK to enter your commands!

New England Gothic

An AGT adventure by Simba.

The Night of the Vampire Bunnies

Somewhat a cross between black comedy and a B-movie, written by Jason Dyer. QBASIC source code provided.

Nightmares from the Crypt

Version 3.0, by John Olsen. Contains three text adventures, each a horrifying nightmare:
	Rings for Bony Fingers
	Ghost Riders of El Diablo
	Dr. Death's House of Horrors.


An Adventure in the World of Wimsey. Version 3.1, by Wimsey Co.

The Nuclear Submarine Adventure

Version 1.53, by Steven Neighorn.

Odieus's Quest for the Magic Flingshot

Author unknown. Converted from LADS to AGT and "embellished" by David Malmberg. Source code is available from the Source Games Index.

Oklib's Revenge playable demo

Contains 50% of the game. Written by Sue Medley.

Palace Adventure

Written by John Olsen.

PC University: An Everyday Nightmare

Version 1.0, TADS adventure by Neil deMause. Contains machine independant .GAM file and TADS runtime for DOS. A Mac version can be found in the Macintosh Games Index.

Pervo Quest

Loot, kill, and rape as much as you can; by StoereSOFT. Windows executable. Needs VBRUN100.DLL, the Visual Basic version 1 runtime library.

The Phantom's Revenge

Written by Temple Software.

The Pilot playable demo.

Or A Flight Into Fantasy. Another exercise in hyperactive hijinks from the Adventure Game Jockey. Contains about 1/3 of the game. AGT source code is available from the Source Games Index.

Pizza Quest I: Cruisin for a Bruisin

Written by C.K.

PORK I: The Great Underground Sewer System

Version 1.5, by David Malmberg. A parody of Zork I, written with AGT.

PORK II: The Gizzard of Showbiz

Written by Bill larkins. A parody of Zork II, written with AGT. Source code is available from the Source Games Index.

The Pyramids of Mars

An AGT adventure by Patrick John Wigfull (or by Roland Gonad?) based on the Doctor Who Serial by Stephen Harris.

Red Planet

A recreational text adventure, version 2.0 by Conrad R. Button.
Author's difficulty rating: Advanced.
This game conflicts with some mouse drivers (e.g. Logitech 5.01), so boot without a driver if you encounter:
	"Illegal function call in line 29300 in module REDPLAN at ..."

The Return to the Colossal Cave Prologue

A playable demo of a sequel to Colossal Cave, written by Thomas W. Penner.


An interactive SF, version 2.11, by Russel A. Duderstadt.

Runcibal Quest

Version 2.0, by Tim Ward.

Sanity Clause

Or, Why Santa Didn't Make It to YOUR House that Year. Version 1.11, by Mike McCauley. Another winner of the annual AGT game writing contents. AGT source is available from the Source Games Index.

SceptreQuest I

First and only one of a series of seven, a very early adventure by Sean Givan. GW-BASIC source code.

Secret Quest 2010

An illustrated text adventure by Eric Iwasaki after an idea by Wayne Tsuji's. Includes BASICA and GWBASIC source code.

Shades of Grey: An Adventure in Black and White

Written in AGT by 7 authors. Also available is a pop-up hints referred to by the HELP command.

The Silver Cloud

An interactive short story. It's author wishes to remain anonymous.

Sir Ramic Hobbs and the High Level Gorilla

Written by Gil Williamson. AGT source code is available from the Source Games Index.

Skullduggery - Adventures in Horror

Version 3.1 (01oct89) by David Jewett. Uploader's comment:
"A very nice adventure set around an old smuggler's mansion. Basic verb-adj-noun-prep-adj-noun parser, but with a unique on-screen mapping system. Worth a look."

Skyland's Star

Version 4.0, by Daniel Leon Berke and Matthew Engle, original concept by Jeremy Cavaterra.


Version 4.45, by Eric N. Miller.
Is this a text adventure? You move around the map of the house with the cursor keys, but you solve this murder mystery with conventional text commands.

So I Mangled Mom

Written by Aaron Oldenburg. Includes DOS executable and QBasic source code.

Softporn Adventure

Version 2.3, written by Gary Thompson after the Apple II original by Chuck Benton.
Benton's original was the predecessor of Leisure Suit Larry I.

Son of Stagefright

A Pleasant Day at the Theater in Three Paranatural Acts. Version 1.0, by Mike McCauley.
This game won the 3rd Annual AGT Game Writing Contest.

The Sound of One Hand Clapping

A Riddle in Subtlety, release 1a by Erica Sudan.
This file contains the machine-independant AdvSys 1.2 data files, source code of the AdvSys interpreter for DOS, and a DOS executable of the AdvSys interpreter.

Space Aliens Laughed at My Cardigan.

AGT adventure by Andre M. Boyle.

The Spatent Obstruction

An Interactive Novel, version 2.55 by Christopher Canavan.

The Squynchia Adventure

Version 1.5, by M. & T. Frank, converted from LADS to AGT by David Malmberg. File contains compiled AGT game files, a DOS interpreter (vresion 1.5 beta), and a walkthrough. AGT source code of this game (unknown version) is available from the Source Games Index.

The Star Portal

A science fiction adventure game suggested by the Damon Knight short story "Ticket to Anywhere", version 1.03 by Michael Detlefsen. Includes DOS executable and a walkthrough. AGT source code of version 1.01 is available from the Source Games Index.

Star Stryker

Written by Yang Liu. DOS executable and Pascal source code.

Starship Columbus

Version 1.2, by Gary McGath. Machine-independant AdvSys data file and DOS executable of the interpreter AdvInt.
This game is Shareware; at some point it requires you to send $10 to the author so you can continue playing the game.

Storms I

An Interactive Mystery by Ryan Burrus, release II / Version 5.50: Shareware Release.


Version B, by Scott Miller and Terry Nagy.


Version 1.04, including the missing hint file by Dennis M. Cunningham.

Tales of Magic

Version 3.0 by John Olsen. Contains three text adventures with a mystic slant:

Tales of Treasure

Version 3.0 by John Olsen. Contains three text adventures featuring a search for treasure:

The Tempest

An adventure game, version 21jul92 by David R Grigg. Based on The Tempest by William Shakespeare. Written with AGT.

Terror in the Ice Caves

Version 1.52, by Steven Neighorn.

The Terror of Mecha Godzilla - The True Story!

A small adventure written entirely in MS-DOS 5.0 batch procedures by Fredrik Ramsberg.

Time Traveler

Recreational text adventure version 2.0 by Conrad R. Button.
Author's difficulty rating: Expert.
This game conflicts with some mouse drivers (e.g. Logitech 5.01), so boot without a driver if you encounter:
	"Illegal function call in line 29300 in module TIMETRAV at ..."

TimeSquared Chapter One: Centroplis

Written by Bert Lee.

The Tomb of the Ancient Pharaohs

Version 3.1, by Anne T Brenner.

Tossed into Space: Dr. Schmidt Goes Home

A short SF adventure for beginners, by Graeme Cree. Contains DOS executable, AGT source code, and a complete walkthrough.


Written by A. J. Shepherd (The Doppelganger). Contains three adventure games:

A short description of the the package is also available.

Unnkulia One-Half: The Salesman Triumphant

Also includes a playable demo of Unnkulia Zero: The Search for Amanda. Both are version 1.0, by D. A. Leary.

Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Unventure

Version 3.0, by D. A. Leary.

Unnkulian Unventure II: The Secret of Acme

Version 3.0, by David M. Baggett.

The Vial of Doom

Written by M. Wilcox. Includes QBASIC source code; converted from BASICA by Ambat Sasi.

The Wade Wars: Book III

Nevertheless the first release in the Wade Wars series by Fish Software.
Rating: beginner to intermediate.
Shareware release without save/restore commands.

"Whatever We Decide to Call This Game"

Written by the Three Engineers: Joel Finch, Glen Henville and little bits by Matthew Newbery. Your first day at Tambulgum University (must be in Australia).

World 1.06

Written by J. Doug McDonald. DOS executable. This version displays a status line and can save to different files, but cannot overwrite existing save files.

World 1.07

Written by J. Doug McDonald. This version has no status line and always saves to file WORLD.SAV, but it can overwrite it. Source code is available from the Source Games Index.

Wraith Blaster

Version 1.0, by Ken Dibble. A text based space trader game: earn money, become master trader, and find a place to retire.

Yet Another Silly Text Adventure Game: Quest of Yogurt

Written by Robert Kwong, Burton Lee, and Dennis Ng.
Verily, verily! It's a text adventure insofar as it writes out text, but your interaction is limited to answering Y/N questions.

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Paul Gilbert | s9406702@yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au