IF Documents Index
This page contains of a list of documents concerning the programming of
interactive fiction.
- A history of the Ineractive Fiction genre, by Hans Persson. Last update:
- A list of adventure authoring systems, both commercial, free, and for
in-house development, by Hans Persson. Late update: 10may94.
- Information about development systems for Interactive Fiction, by Nathon
Torkington. Last update 23nov94.
- "Colossal Cave Revisted", by Mel Park. An article from TidBITS #229,
06jun94, about a re-release of the game on CD and the original cave the game
is based on.
- A note from Bernie Cosell on the origin of the original ADVENT game.
- Second addition, written by Graham Nelson. Tex Version. Also available in a
text version.
Project paper "The Application of Directed Acyclic Graphs to First
Generation Interactive Fiction". Word Perfect document and plain ASCII text,
and a TADS implementation of plot DAGs, by Paul Munn.
- A proposition on why adventure games don't encourage beautiful prose.
Written January 1995, by Gareth Rees.
- Using C codes examples; Written by Vladimir Krstulja (CyberDaemon). Last
modified 29may95.
- Interactive Fiction Bibliography (3/94) compiled by Stephen Granade.
- Papers by Vladimir Krstulja (CyberDaemon):
- How to Write Good Textual Adventures (in C, with
code examples)
- How to Make a Good Design for an IF Game
- The beginning of a compilation of information concerning Multi-User
adventure games. Last update: 17apr94.
- "Platform Idependant Composite Kumquat Lickable Format", by Andrew C.
- a suggestion how to encapsulate different types of data into one game file.
- The general hammered out rules for the programming contest which is to be
on i 1995. Preliminary survey indicates that there will be 13 entries
(TADS: 3 anonymous, 1 probably anonymous, 1 not specified;
INFORM: 1 anonymous, 6 not anonymous). See the
'95 IF Games Comp Index fore more information.
- A thread from r.a.i-f discussing the pros and cons of scoring in Interactive
- A method of writing scripts to define a game being designed. Written in May
1994 by Gareth Rees.
- Written by Julian Arnold, last update: 06sep95b.
- Written by Stephen van Egmond, last update: 16jul95.
- A list of computer games related to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, by
Fredrik Ekman (version 1.6).
- Revision 1.01, 20feb96, inital publication, by Bob Newell. A detailed
discussion and comparison of 10 IF authoring systems (TADS, Inform, ALAN, Hugo,
AGT, Archetype, GINAS, LADS, Gamescape, and Aventuro). Contains the document
in four formats: PostScript, TeX, DVI, and plain ASCII.
Whizzard's Guide to Text Adventure Authorship
- Version 2.0, by Gerry Kevin Wilson. Comes in three parts:
Base document
Supplementary 1
Supplementary 2
Paul Gilbert | s9406702@yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au